Friday, January 31, 2020

Of the Dawn of Free

Of the Dawn of Freedom Essay In â€Å"Of the Dawn of Freedom,† author W. B. Du Bois (1903) points out the historical basis for the persistence of racism as a problem. Written almost three decades after the civil war, the text is addressed to both African-American and White people who comfort themselves with the illusion that the granting of the right of suffrage to African-Americans instantly solved the problems of inequality. This is evident in how Du Bois illustrates that contrary to popular perception, the Civil War did not totally lead to the emancipation of African-Americans and that the subsequent â€Å"Negro suffrage ended a civil war by beginning a race feud† (34) wherein African-Americans became the subject of contempt of Southern White populations who fought against the abolition of slavery. Indeed, Du Bois’ observations accurately mirror the situation of African-Americans until today. Clearly, African-Americans are still subjected to deeply-held stereotypes that systematically degrade and debase them on the basis of what Du Bois calls â€Å"the color-line. (9) Despite the abolition of slavery, African-Americans continued to be socially-marginalized. Consequently, African-American’s situation as â€Å"a segregated servile caste† (37) after slavery was abolished only resulted in the formation of a double consciousness or an identity confusion owing to the lack of their clear role in society and their alienation from the dominant White culture. In effect, the abolition of slavery also uprooted both African-Americans and White Americans from the customs and clear norms that arose from centuries of slavery. Without the delineations of the slave order, African-Americans found it difficult to establish their identity especially as the White Americans did not want to accommodate the ex-slaves into the folds of society. It is therefore not surprising that African-Americans continue to be subjected to racist perceptions. As Du Bois rightly points out, the freedom of the Black Americans was immature in so far as the Whites regarded them not as their equals but looked condescendingly at the newly-freed Black people as their inferiors and â€Å"helpless wards. †(34)

Monday, January 27, 2020

Nonmaleficence Pillars Of Health System

Nonmaleficence Pillars Of Health System Abstract: Beneficence and Nonmaleficence are the main â€Å"pillars† of the health care system. These two ethical principles seem to be the foundation and set a basic framework for the practice of health care. Hippocrates recognized the significance of these two principles and he pledged to practice healthcare following them (Morrison 48). The function of these two principles go beyond treatment of patients, in fact, it is relevant when dealing with the healthcare staff. As a health care administrator it is vital to create a working environment that runs by the two ethical principles as well as the ethical principle of justice. Justice comes into play because it is a healthcare administrators responsibility and obligation to make sure that each individual staff members is being treated fairly and equally. Thus, ethical issues that are raised in the workplace, specifically, in a health care facility, more often are associated with the principles of nonmaleficence, beneficence, and justic e. A health care administrator is expected to follow all ethical guidelines in the practice of health care. The principle of nonmaleficence is to prevent harm from occurring or the â€Å"duty to avoid harming others† (Morrison 48). This is associated with the treatment of patients which should be done with care and not carelessly. Additionally, the patients autonomy should not be violated under any circumstance in order to prevent potential harm from taking place. In the â€Å"U.S. Hostile Workplace Survey† that was taken in the year 2000 showed that about one out of six workers in a workplace experience some type of bullying that occurred within the last six months ( This shows that some health care administrators are not fully looking after their healthcare facilities and this is allowing bullying to take place. In this case, the healthcare administrator is not doing his/her job in preventing harm, and is therefore not following the ethical principle of nonm aleficence. Furthermore, nonmaleficence goes beyond merely preventing physical harm that might take place during a treatment procedure such as surgery, but it also refers to preventing any harm from occurring to the staff and healthcare facility. The benefits and harms are most often weighed against each other in health care to guide what needs to be done. It is a responsibility of the health care administrator to construct an environment that is not harmful for the employees or staff members. In addition to preventing harm to patients, you must prevent any harm from occurring to the staff as well. The issues of discrimination, bullying and harassment, including sexual harassment in the working environment must be fully and openly addressed. These topics should be taken in as being intolerable and potential harm should be prevented to the employees in risk of these. Moreover, any type of bullying that may occur in the work force should be prevented. Bullying in the workforce is extremely prevalent and this most commonly leads to depression and lowered morale of the individual staff member being bullied. There should be a positive environment in the work area for open discussion and no fear of judgment in the case of telling the HCA about the bullying. There should be an ease to talk to the HCA, and he/she should create an open relation ship with the staff so there is strict guidelines needed to be followed, but an openness to speak about issues of bullying, discrimination, or harassment. There should be a procedure to report someone who is harassed and they should not feel fear of reprisal for mentioning the issue. The supervisor should not be so strict or too lenient because the staff could be scared or too comfortable with him/her. In order to be fair and equal and prevent any harm by being too strict or too lenient, the principles of justice and nonmaleficence need to be followed. Bullying can include â€Å"intimidating and disruptive behaviors† which can cause significant issues for a staff member who is experiencing lowered morale. The staff member being bullied could have trouble caring for the patient as effectively, thus can cause â€Å"poor patient satisfaction†. Patient care in a healthcare facility is reliant on â€Å"teamwork, communication, and a collaborative work environment.† It is important to provide a safe environment and to do so a health care professional who is experiencing bullying or seeing it occur should report it or address the issue. Addressing the issue is very crucial to the success of performance and patient care. The joint effort is needed in health care organizations and a mere act of bullying can affect the entire healthcare facility by lowering the morale and lowering the teamwork and interaction. This is obviously causing harm and the principle of nonmaleficence is not coming into play when bullying has occ urred. Therefore, the health care administrator should adopt a code of conduct in order to follow guidelines and ensure that the staff members are clear what is bullying. Additionally, it is essential â€Å"to create and implement a process for managing disruptive and inappropriate behaviors† in the workplace ( This will ensure that every staff member is being treated fairly and the principle of justice is being followed. More commonly it has been seen that bosses are one of the main sources of bullying. Physicians oftentimes feel that they might know better or more than nurses and treat them unfairly which is going against the principle of nonmaleficence because they are directly causing harm instead of preventing harm. It was seen in one situation that a physician refused to allow his staff member to go to the bathroom which was insulting as well as inappropriate bullying. The â€Å"National Accrediting Agency† now requires of some hospitals to adopt a code of conduct which addresses issues of bullying. â€Å"Intimidating behavior† or bullying can cause staff members to become submissive because of the bullying has cause psychological harm to the individual and this oftentimes leads to medical errors and errors in patient care ( A health care administrator has the responsibility of being observant of what is going on in the working environment around him/her and to recognize any social isolation issues, belittling, and overload of work on one particular employee. Segregation and isolation oftentimes occurs due to bullying, however, sometimes it refers to cultural differences. It was seen that the staff members at a particular hospital were critical of the other Latino or Spanish-speaking employees and this caused a rift. There was obvious â€Å"prejudice† and â€Å"stereotyping† because the staff did not communicate with the Latino staff members as much, which caused language discrimination ( This discrimination caused isolation of one particular group and it could and should have been spotted easily by the HCA whose responsibility it is to recognize instances of discrimination and isolation. This situation is also associated with racial discrimination which means that a grou p is isolated due to their ethnicity. It is thus the HCAs responsibility to prevent harm and act on the principle of nonmaleficence; he/she should also ensure that the ethical principle of justice is being practiced by the staff members and everyone is treated fairly and equally. By fixing the problem and causing the staff members to accept each other the health care administrator would be bringing about good which is acting on the ethical principle of beneficence. Racial discrimination is very common when it comes to the workplace. Many have felt that they were refused a promotion because their ethnicity or race. Nurses, specifically Caucasian nurses, felt isolated and discriminated by nurses of different ethnicities. The other nurses who spoke a non-English language seem to exclude Caucasian nurses which cause segregation and is something that should be prevented in the work place ( The impact of this isolation can cause low team effort and cause patient care to be poor. National surveys have shown that many physicians that are of a â€Å"racial/ethnic minority† often feel isolated and racially discriminated in the working environment. Racial discrimination among physicians in the workplace causes â€Å"lower rates of promotion and career satisfaction when compared with nonminority physician peers with similar productivity† ( Ultimately, this has caused a poor working environment and discrimination c auses harm to the staff members as well as the health care organization. In addition to preventing harm, a health care provider must also do good for the patients, which is the principle of beneficence. Beneficence refers to the obligation a HCA has to his/her patients in providing fair treatment that will benefit them, protecting patients autonomous rights and providing aid for anyone in need. It is also an obligation of a health care administrator to bring about good in the workplace and make sure it is a safe working environment for his staff. There should be an appreciation which comes with this principle and should be displayed to the staff members in order to encourage them to always do better and continue to have a high morale. An HCA should balance the benefits and potential harms by deciding the costs against benefits and deciding what would provide the greatest good. The principle of beneficence should always be reinforced in order for the staff members to apply this ethical principle daily. Staff should be treated with beneficence in order for them to treat patients using this same principle. It is the responsibility of the administrator to be encouraging and compassionate towards the staff and to prevent negative attitudes which can lower the morale and cause potential harm. Also, an administrator should always offer assistance whereas being too authoritative would make the staff uneasy. Undoubtedly, the administrator should work on the weaknesses of the staff members and build upon their strengths in order for each individual to use their strengths for the good of the health care organization. Furthermore, downsizing in the workplace which include laying-off employees can affect the employees that are laid off as well as the staff members who are left feeling guilty and cannot work as efficiently due to this guilt. An HCA should not be keeping silent in a time when laying off is occurring because it can lead to rumors spreading around the workplace and a situation can become worse than it really is. Also, it can cause employees to be stressed and upset, which inevitably causes harm. After the lay-off has occurred, there should be open forums and discussion in order to be aware of everyones feelings towards the issue. The work place should be safe and healthy as well as have a positive atmosphere in order for there to be no fear of judgment which will prevent harm from happening such as harassment, bullying, or discrimination. The ethical issues raised in the workplace can range from bullying, discrimination, to harassment. These issues in the workplace cause harm to the staff members due to lowered morale and poor working efficiency. Discrimination can isolate and segregate groups of people or one person due to ethnicity, which would be racial discrimination or by other factors involved. This inevitably causes harm and not everyone is being treated fairly, thus the principle of nonmaleficence and justice are not being applied. Beneficence should be used when creating an environment that is safe and positive for the staff members to feel comfortable enough to report bullying, discrimination or harassment. Nonmaleficence, justice and beneficence are interconnected and work together in many situations for good ethical decision making. The relationship between the employee and administrator and the staff members themselves should be positive if using these three principles.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Our Value of Art Essay -- Art Philosophy Essays

Our Value of Art Art is a thoughtful, emotional expression. It has many forms, such as painting, sculpture, architecture and the written word. Rousseau proposes, "Instead of thinking of life as something to which signs and texts are added to represent it, we should conceive of itself as suffused with signs (Culler 12)." For these purposes the signs which Rousseau identifies are works of art. This statement speaks to the inseparable quality of life and art. Since life and art are connected they invariably affect one another. Life is inherently chaotic. This prompts the creation of art, which consequently promotes the stasis of chaos. Art's effect on society demands that we decide whether we value art enough to risk our own undoing. Human beings are psychologically driven creatures. As a result their endeavors are similarly psychologically driven. The compulsion to create is one of our most basic, primitive drives. From a psychological perspective this is known as sublimation, or the channeling of one's energy into a healthy, socially acceptable behavior. This behavior alludes to the idea that the act of creating something of significance makes up for life's troubles. This cognitive negotiation is known as rationalization. It would seem that productively acting in response to chaos would restore the good. However, this energy is misdirected. Channeling all of one's energy into art neglects the problems that truly need attention. In this way art is like putting a fresh coat of paint on a crumbling old home. Consider the Beat Generation. This was a passionate group of painters and poets who produced a massive body of work during the mid twentieth century. It is not a coincidence that they indulged heavily in promi scuous sex, h... ...sso wrote, "Art is a lie that makes us realize truth, at least the truth that is given to us to understand (Picasso 321)." In regard to the relationship between art and chaos art is only a lie as long as its purpose remains unexamined. For some of us, regardless of the negative ties that art has to life, nonexistence is favorable to a life without it. Art teaches us that all wonderful things have ramifications. I would argue that the greatness of a masterpiece exponentially surpasses the harm it causes because it captures its chaotic origins and builds from them. It is as if life's troubles have changed form and evolved into a worthwhile, undying entity. Works Cited: 1. Burroughs, William S., Naked Lunch, New York: 1959. 2. Culler, Jonathan, Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction, New York: 1997. 3. Picasso, Pablo, "Statement to Marvis de Zayas," 1923.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Mass Media :: essays research papers

Issue # 14 1. Media Monopolies: Are the Dangers of Concentration Overstated? Yes, by Eli M. Noam and Robert N. Freeman No, by Ben H. Bagdikian 2. The main focus behind the two articles are the concentration of media. Through the Telecommunications Act of 1996 attempts were made to limit the amount of monopolies in media. However this opened the door for other large businesses to merge and gain even more control, therefor creating more concentration in the media. Are the â€Å"media monopolies† doing their job in surveying national and local issues and are they acting in the public interest? The article also analyzes the vastly growing corporate elite who control media, and their ability to censor public awareness. 2. Eli Noam and Robert N. Freeman believe that there is more competition in U.S. media and it is only moderately concentrated. They justify their claim through U.S. Department of Justice procedure for identifying concentrated markets. They show several graphs indicating the shares of companies and the moderate increase that has occurred in recent years. Noam and Freeman show graphs that show both an increase in the total concentration of the media industry as well as graphs that depict a slight decline. They also support their claim by describing the drops that occurred in telecommunications services, computers TV programming and in music. They discuss how the market shift moved away from mainframes to microcomputers, where there is very little domination of the market by one company. Bagdikian lacks evidence of his claim, and supports it with his own opinions. He explains the reality of the situation in media concentration and control. He tells about the dominance of Microsoft and G eneral electric, who own NBC and radio and cable networks across the globe. He shows how Rupert Murdoch used media control to control politics which then made him immune to the restrictions applied to media, and allowed him to form FOX network. Bendikian emphasizes that companies who have control over politics can do whatever they want. 3. Both sides of the issue support their side through examples in the media market. Noam and Freeman show the various firms and corporations, who compete and take over the other companies, slowly increasing their control of the market. Bendikian analyzes the major corporations who have influence over the media, such as GE and FOX who are growing and killing off the other competitors. He also shows the raising role that cyber media and computers are playing in the market and the how companies are finding ways around the restrictions by merging.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

“Be Strong,” the psycho woman said

â€Å"Stuart you must learn to look on the bright side.† What bright side? I'm a sixteen year old lad and my cat has just died. Big deal you might think. But you weren't the one in the washing machine, spinning round ten times a second! Poor cat. Dad thinks I'm mad. That's why he sent me to the psycho woman in the first place. Well she's a psychologist, and ok that wasn't the only reason. My real mom had an affair and ran away with the postman. He just happened to be my dad's brother, that's all. Which sent me â€Å"Off the rails.† Or so they told me. I mean I'm not a train. I kept getting into trouble at school. You know, mixing with the wrong people, skipping classes at school, Stealing sweets, that kind of thing. Nothing really. What did they expect? Me to just except my moms gone and that I probably wont see her again. Plus the fact we wont get our mail delivered any more! No, I shouldn't joke about it. There is a bright side! I'm laughing about it already. I've just realised I come from a broken home. Prison here I come! That was four months ago, and dads already got a new woman. ‘Ginger Gill!' Bet you can't guess what colour her hair is? There I go taking the mick again. Dad said I shouldn't: â€Å"It'll come back on you one day,† he bellows. Anyway I have a right, who calls there kid Stuart? I hate my name. After thinking long and hard, I have decided I am a tiny bit crazy. But only a bit. Who isn't? Talking of crazy people: we live in front of a once nice green field, in Cornwall. I say once because ‘travellers' moved in last week. Actually they are gypsies, but ‘travellers' is the more polite way to say they are scruffy, no-hopers. I'm too cruel. Also, of course that's what they call them on the news, so it has to be more polite. I kind of got talking to one of the gypsy girls, whilst walking my aunties dog, Bessie. She's around my age (the girl not Bessie!) and quite good looking. But also a bit weird. She can't pronounce her ‘R's', which is amusing. She was telling me about her grandmother, Rose. Or â€Å"Wose†, as she pronounces it. She said Rose could see into the future, and has been known to predict peoples' lives. Very likely. She thought I should see her grandmother, as she could help me, more than any head doctor could. As if I need help. She was fascinating I thought. That's a lie. It was boring. She was boring. The only thing she said that remotely interested me was that one of her other ‘gypo' relatives, held the world record for the loudest burp. Now that was fascinating! It was when I got home, that I really took what the girl had said to me in. (‘the girl'-I didn't catch her name! Oh well, ‘gypsy girl' will do.) Maybe Rose could help me? After all I would like a few questions answered: Where is my mom? How could she leave me? Why did Casper (the cat) get into the washing machine? Why doesn't ‘Ginger Gill' dye her hair? There I go again! And most importantly, why is abbreviation such a long word? The next day, I wagged school. The psycho woman is really helping, don't you think? Anyway I paid my gypsy friend another visit. This time I was introduced to her grandmother ‘Wose'. I mean Rose. I suppose I hoped she would be scruffy looking, with a crystal ball and a glass eye. But no, she looked pretty normal. As normal as a gypsy can look. Someone stop me! She was in her early sixties, I would say. She had long dark brown hair, covered in hair clips and beads. There had to be over one hundred. How did she hold up her head? She had a deep, manly voice, which was freaky. Disappointingly, both her eyes were real. I didn't have chance to speak to her, as she had a headache, and went to bed. I'd have a headache, with all those hair accessories on my head. Me and Crystal, that was her name, I discovered, spoke for hours after. Today she didn't seem so boring and dull. She said she hates living in a caravan. Who wouldn't? She told me that her mom had died of cancer the previous year, and really missed her. Which made me feel stupid. I was upset that my mom had left, and the cat had died, well killed. She made me realise I should be grateful for who I am and what I have. See I can be serious. Crystal had arranged for me to visit ‘Gypsy Rose', for one of her fortune-telling sessions. I really didn't know what to expect. What if she told me my mom had become a stripper and was living under the sea? Ok, so that was not exactly going to happen. But she could tell me somethings I don't want to hear. On the other hand, she could tell me Casper is ‘cat heaven's' answer to Brad Pitt. Either way I knew from tomorrow, my life would change. Who knows? I might even find out why abbreviation is such a long word!

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Vulnerable Populations in Current Events

Defining a Vulnerable Population A vulnerable population is any group that has been identified by an epidemiological or there study that classifies them at a higher risk than the general population from a specific or broad condition (Oxford Reference Online, 2011). The elderly population is considered a vulnerable population because they must face not only self-image disturbances related to an aging body, but also problems with mental and spiritual well -being as well. Barriers older adults must face are generated by these issues.Barriers of a Vulnerable Population According to Smith, et. Al (2010), is important for community and local governments to the aging population and provide age-friendly services (p. 15). As the population continues to grow, change, and age, there are numerous barriers the elderly face. Financially, the elderly population Is mostly surviving on a fixed or limited Income making It difficult at times to afford prescriptions. Doctor visits, and other healthcare related expenses. All of these issues place them in a state of vulnerability.Impaired or limited mobility creates yet another barrier especially for the elderly related to the side effects of an aging body. Consequently, they are more prone and apt to have injuries from falls leading to other serious debilitating healthcare issues. Many of the elderly population do not have the ability to drive safely or access to a vehicle due to their compromised health Issues related to aging such as poor vision, Alchemies, and severe arthritis: transportation becomes another barrier. According to Smith, et. L (2010), without proper transportation in place, communities will have a higher incidence of injuries and increased emergency response costs. Life experiences with Vulnerable Persons My parents are both of the elderly population. They both suffer from symptoms of an aging body. My dad Is hard of hearing, has chronic renal failure, terribly severe artless, thinning skin, and Impaired vision. My mother has Just recovered to a double knee replacement surgery because she had become immobile related to her severely arthritic knees.I have spent several years caring for them both and helping them through these difficult times of aging. I have noticed various discriminations by society of the elderly and the poor attitude towards them. People have very little patience, understanding, and compassion. I have also seen the moments of sadness, frustration, and depression that my parents have encountered related to having to race ten Tact's Nat teeny are aging; teeny are no longer addle to phonically ay want teeny used to be able to do and think that they can still do.This has been the hardest for me to witness because I can remember when they were able to do anything they wanted to physically. They have both overcome many barriers, but continue to be vulnerable and I know that they're level of vulnerability will continue to increase with the passing years to come. Knowing this, I continue to learn and look for ways to help and advocate for them. Summary With the aging population, it is important to assess what vulnerabilities the elderly faces and address them to improve the quality of life.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Analysis Of Allen Poe s Dark Writing - 2127 Words

Edger Allen Poe one of the greatest writer of dark writing. I could say he is one of the best but that’s just my opinion. I personally think he’s one of the best because, of his writing that I have read. He’s probably one of the best because of how he lived his life and how difficult it was. I could say he’s a great dark writer because of how dark his life was. Some of his works that include The Raven, The Cask of Amontillado, and The Black Cat that I will talking about later one. Edgers live began on January 19, 1809 when he was born. His mother and father were Elizabeth Arnold Poe and David Poe Jr. His mother was a British actress and his father an actor. Poe didn’t really get know his family very well because at age three he moved in†¦show more content†¦He lived in Baltimore from 1831 to 1835, with his aunt Maria Clemm and her daughter Virginia. Poe got a break when one of his short stories won a contest in the Baltimore Saturday Visitor. He soon after this began to publish more short stories he then soon got an editorial position with the Southern Literary Messenger in Richmond. At the Southern Literary Messenger, Poe developed a reputation as a cut-throat critic, writing vicious reviews of his contemporaries. His scathing critiques earned him the nickname the Tomahawk Man. Poe also published some of his own works in the magazine, including two parts of his only novel, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym. His tenure at the magazine proved s hort. Poe s aggressive-reviewing style and sometimes combative personality strained his relationship with the publication, and he left the magazine in 1837. His problems with alcohol also played a role in his departure, according to some reports ( Editors 3) When Virginia died in 1847, Poe was overcome by grief. He still continued to work on his writing, but he was suffering from very poor health and struggled financially. On September 27, 1849 Edger left Richmond on his way to Philadelphia. Poe was found in Baltimore in very bad conditions on October 3. From their he was taken to Washington College Hospital where he died on October 7. His last words were â€Å"Lord, help my poor soul.† There is no doubt that Poe was an exceptionalShow MoreRelatedLiterary Analysis : The Raven905 Words   |  4 Pagespoem or a short story there are so many other things that are connected to the story that people usual do not look at. But when you do break down a story or poem to look for what it really means that it is called literary analysis. A good piece of work to use is Edgar Allen Poe s The Raven. The Raven has a lot of different literature elements at work such as symbolism, theme, POV. In the Raven Edgar writes a poem about a man that is very sad. 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